
Brexit or a personal shock

After #brexit results I step into the leave or remain debate. I watched some videos of TV shows where the two opponents where speaking pro or against the Brexit option (great listening exercise).
My mind is full of fears and sadness for what it might cause to the dream of an European Union as federation of nations. UK was the land of my first trip on my own (last century), three months studying English in Oxford, mating new friends, relationship with people from all Europe and all world, some relationship last till today. And every time I come back to London and UK I am more confident about an open and multicultural society... until 23.06.2016
I am, strongly, for having Britons in EU. We need they analysis skills, their pragmatism and capacity to have a different view from the continental countries. I don't know where does it come from, but I suspect that it might be connected to not have being invaded in the XX century world wars.
I admire the British for they capacity to discuss such a vital matter as the leave or remain petition with clearness and bravery as that shown in the video. The leave advocates have spoken to the stomach while the remain had few reason against. The matter is that the option to stay or leave is much more complicated than exposed by the leave proposers; and the remain were not able to explain this.
In my humble opinion EU is complicated and intricate process, that in the last years has been stuck on economy and euro debate instead following the path of more political integration: where are the EU army, the EU foreign office, the EU welfare and, at least, a seed of a common environmental tax? I think EU without UK will lack a certain dose of credibility but, on the other hand, better not having UK unless they are willingness and open minded on building the common house. As said elsewhere is not a goodbye farewell but an "au revoire" , I hope so indeed.